SSRG - IJEEE - Volume 7 Issue 3 - March 2020
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
1 |
Designing Embedded Systems with Arduino Microcontrollers: A Way Forward for Technological Advancement in Nigeria
IJEEE-V7I3P101 |
2 |
A Harmonic Detection for Grid Connected PV System under non linear load using cuk converter
IJEEE-V7I3P102 |
3 |
Performance Analysis of CO-OFDM-FSO System using PDM
IJEEE-V7I3P103 |
4 |
Evaluation and Tabulation of Myriad Types of Multiport Converters on Renewable Energy
IJEEE-V7I3P104 |
5 |
Power flow improvement of 220 kv transmission line using static synchronous series compensator. A case of iringa- shinyanga transmission line
IJEEE-V7I3P105 |