SSRG - IJEEE - Volume 7 Issue 4 - April 2020
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
1 |
Analysis of Electric field and stress control on 33 Kv Bushing
IJEEE-V7I4P101 |
2 |
Robot Control Based On Image Processing To Follow The Target
IJEEE-V7I4P102 |
3 |
Construction of A Pulse Width Modulation, (Pwm) Dc Motor Controller
IJEEE-V7I4P103 |
4 |
Gsm Controlled Robotic Vehicle
IJEEE-V7I4P104 |
5 |
Implementing a Single Switch DC-DC Converter for Photo Voltaic System
IJEEE-V7I4P105 |
6 |
Real Power Loss Minimization of AC/DC Hybrid Systems with Reactive Power Compensation by using Teaching Learning based Optimization Algorithm
IJEEE-V7I4P106 |