Comparative Study of Methods of Identification of Fault Location in Transmission Line

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2017 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2017 |
Authors : Tripathi Atuldev Ashok, S. R. Deshmukh |
How to Cite?
Tripathi Atuldev Ashok, S. R. Deshmukh, "Comparative Study of Methods of Identification of Fault Location in Transmission Line," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 32-36, 2017. Crossref,
The rapid growth of the electric power system has in recent decades resulted in an increase of the number of transmission lines. The challenge of a fast growing electrical grid has also resulted in huge increases of overhead lines and their total length. These lines are experiencing faults due to various reasons that cause major disruptions and operating costs of the transmission system operator .Thus, it is important that the location of faults is either known or can be estimated with reasonably high accuracy. This allows the grid owner to save money and time for inspection and repair, as well as to provide a better service due to the possibility of faster restoration of power supply and avoiding blackouts. Fault detection and classification on transmission lines are important tasks in order to protect the electrical power system. In recent years, the power system has become more complicated under competitive and deregulated environments and a fast fault location technique is needed to maintain security and supply in the grid. This report provides the comparative study of methods of identification of fault location in transmission line. One end method requires the data like voltage and current from one end of the transmission line for the apparent impedance, which is key term to estimate the location of fault. Apparent impedance is consider with the neglecting the fault resistance. One end method gets affected by load flow and fault resistance. The drawbacks of one end method minimized in Takagi method by considering pre-fault and fault data. And the effect of fault resistance is reduced by superposition. If zero sequence component is used so, there would be no need of pre fault data. In Two end negative sequence method , the effect of pre –fault , load flow , fault resistance, zero sequence mutual impedance and zero sequence in-feed from transmission line taps overcomes.
Faults in transmission line, type of fault, methods of determining the location of fault, identifying the location of fault, comparison, and conclusion.
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