Development of Prompt Inferno Reporting System for Curbing the Losses of Fire Outbreak

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2018 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 5 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Olumuyiwa P. Aiyelabowo, Babajide A. Ojo, Suraj A. Fadare, and Oluwafemi T. Mathew
How to Cite?

Olumuyiwa P. Aiyelabowo, Babajide A. Ojo, Suraj A. Fadare, and Oluwafemi T. Mathew, "Development of Prompt Inferno Reporting System for Curbing the Losses of Fire Outbreak," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 5,  no. 12, pp. 1-7, 2018. Crossref,


Fire is useful for several human activities and is a very important article for human survival. As good and required as fire is, it can cause disaster to man. Report has shown that fire has caused so many losses in assets, lives and property. Often times, this inferno occurs in the night when no one is available to put a call to the firefighting centre, thus there is often no response to the inferno. A system that reports an inferno remotely is designed and developed in the system. It consists of a sensing unit that senses smoke, carbon monoxide, flame and increase in temperature in the secured environment. Through a microcontroller and a communication module, information regarding the inferno is routed to the fire-fighting centre. This information equips the centre to combat the inferno promptly.


smoke, carbon-monoxide, MQ-2, MQ-7, ATmega138 and inferno.


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