Attendance Monitoring and Power Management Intelligence Class Room

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Ms.J.Archana, Ms.M. Aarthi, Ms.V.Hemalatha & Mr.R.Manigandan
How to Cite?

Ms.J.Archana, Ms.M. Aarthi, Ms.V.Hemalatha & Mr.R.Manigandan, "Attendance Monitoring and Power Management Intelligence Class Room," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 1, pp. 1-4, 2019. Crossref,


Now-a-days intelligent automation has stepped its presence in every field all over the world. Our project has a stepping in the attendance and power management of the classrooms in the colleges/schools. We are providing the attendance system using image processing technique in that the face recognition system. This system use PCA algorithm and form eigen vector by registering the face images. In the enroll process we need to give the face images and the name of the student. After training, when we give a face image, it will recognize by using the eigen values and register the attendance of that student in the database. The use of low cost technologies for highly reliable applications with the help of newly innovated algorithms makes the automation process to reach the consumers at cheaper and reliable cost. Thereby in our project IR sensors are used to maintain the attendance and power management. The safety of the power management is increased by utilizing power driver switching. The class room unit displays the strength of the class room and also control the lights should not be switched on without anyone in the class room. A master controller displays all the class rooms status and saves it in database.


Attendance monitoring, Image processing technique, student attendance, Power management, Automation.


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