Performance and Economical Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System in Village Malo Bheel, Tharparker

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Abdul Latif Abro, Sajid Hussain Qazi |
How to Cite?
Abdul Latif Abro, Sajid Hussain Qazi, "Performance and Economical Analysis of Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System in Village Malo Bheel, Tharparker," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1-7, 2021. Crossref,
It’s so challenging situation for Pakistan to cope up with problems like providing clean water, especially in rural areas where health is a primary issue. Pakistan has been facing issues related to clean water as the majority of the population resides in rural areas. As a result, there is a lack of facilities for clean water that causes severe health issues. Water is a basic necessity for human beings, and the world has been facing severe issues. With a growing population, the demand for water has been increasing, especially in backward areas where water demand isn’t met. According to reports from WHO and UNICEF, 68 million of the population doesn’t have access to safe water, which is about 11% of the global population, and that surely is causing serious health issues. Water scarcity in that parker has been a serious issue for many decades. This issue has been discussed on various platforms, but fruitful results haven’t been obtained. Tharparker being the largest district by area of Sindh faces the same issues. A study carried by Thardeep rural development program (TRDP) tells us that only 47% of the population has access to drinking water, the survey was carried out of 2350 villages, and from that population, many people have to stand in queue and wait for hours in order to fetch water. 6% po population has to travel about 3km in order to avail water. The report also tells that approx 30pkr is spent in order to get only 2 buckets of water. So there is a serious need to design an effective model as tharparker is one of the most important districts, and their livelihood depends on livestock. A feasibility study is carried in this research for solar photovoltaic pumping system for village MaloBheel in tharparker. Research work is purely conducted through simulations, and this proposed system for the modeling is simulated on PVSyst software. The aim of this research is not only to predict system performance but also to evaluate the solar photovoltaic system economically in village MaloBheel,tharparker using simulation software PVSYST.
Agriculture, Water, Solar cell, Pump & Photovoltaic.
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[67] Kesraoui M, Chaib A, Meziane A, and Boulezaz A, Using a DFIG Based Wind Turbine for Grid Current Harmonics Filtering, Energy Conversion and Management. 78 (2014) 968-975.
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[71] Miveh M.R, Rahmat M.F, Ghadimi A.A, and Mustafa M.W, Control Techniques for Three-Phase Four-Leg Voltage Source Inverters in Autonomous Microgrids: A Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 54 (2016) 1592-1610.
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[73] Qazi S.H, Mustafa M, Sultana U, and Hussain N, Enhanced Power Quality Controller in an Autonomous Microgrid by PSO Tuned PI Controller, Indian Journal of Science and Technology. (2017a) 8.
[74] Qazi S.H, Mustafa M.W, and Ali S, Review on Current Control Techniques of Grid Connected PWM-VSI Based Distributed Generation, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications. 17 (2019) 152-168.
[75] Qazi S.H, Mustafa M.W, Sultana U, and Mirjat N.H, Current Harmonics Mitigation from Grid Connected Variable Speed Wind Turbine Due to Nonlinear Loads Using Shunt Active Power Filter, Journal Technology. 79 (2017b).
[76] Qazi S.H, Mustafa M.W, Sultana U, Mirjat N.H, Soomro S.A, and Rasheed N, Regulation of Voltage and Frequency in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Based Autonomous Microgrids Using the Whales Optimisation Algorithm, Energies. 11 (2018) 1318.
[77] Qazi S.H, and Mustafa M.W.B, Technical Issues on Integration of Wind Farms with Power Grid—a Review, Int. J. Renew. Sustain. Energy. 3 (2014) 87-91.
[78] Qazi S.H, Mustafa M.W.B, Soomro S, and Larik R.M, Comparison of Reference Signal Extraction Methods for Active Power Filter to Mitigate Load Harmonics from Wind Turbine Generator, IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON), IEEE. (2015) 463-468.
[79] Ramchand R, Gopakumar K, Patel C, Sivakumar K, Das A, and Abu-Rub H, Online Computation of Hysteresis Boundary for Constant Switching Frequency Current-Error Space-Vector-Based Hysteresis Controller for VSI-FED IM Drives. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 27 (2011) 1521-1529.
[80] Salah M.M, Abo-khalil A.G, and Praveen R, Wind Speed Characteristics and Energy Potential for Selected Sites in Saudi Arabia, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences. (2019).