Voltage-Booster for CMOS Wide-Band High-Precision Rectifier of Energy Harvesting for Implantable Medical Devices in Internet of Bodies (IOB) Telemedicine Embedded System

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Hafez Fouad, Hesham Kamel, Adel Youssef |
How to Cite?
Hafez Fouad, Hesham Kamel, Adel Youssef, "Voltage-Booster for CMOS Wide-Band High-Precision Rectifier of Energy Harvesting for Implantable Medical Devices in Internet of Bodies (IOB) Telemedicine Embedded System," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 19-30, 2022. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V9I4P103
This work proposes a new full-wave CMOS rectifier dedicated to wirelessly powered low voltage biomedical implants. It uses a diode Voltage Booster to Avoid Breakdown to maximize the higher wide-Band limit in the CMOS Rectifier for Energy Harvesting of Implantable Devices in a Telemedicine Embedded System. So, The rectifier topology now no longer requires a complicated circuit layout. It uses the best voltage to be had inside the circuit to force the gate of the chosen transistor, lowering present leakage day and lowering channel resistance even as showing excessive mutual conductance. The proposed rectifier at frequency 2.4 GHz has a two-stage structure with higher precision active diodes and diode voltage boosters in a typical 65nm CMOS process. The minimum working voltage is lower than in earlier publications, and the rectifier may be operated with input voltage amplitudes ranging from 0.2V to 4V before the Breakdown occurs. With this improvement, the rectifier can now function with various energy harvest systems such as vibrational energy harvest systems, electrostatic energy harvest systems, electromagnetic energy harvest systems, piezoelectric energy harvest systems, etc. The projected rectifier has a maximum voltage conversion efficiency (VCE) of more than 93.1 percent. A novel full-wave CMOS rectifier for low voltage wireless biomedical implants is described in this article.
CMOS, Diode Voltage Booster, Breakdown Voltage, Wide-Band Rectifier, High Precision Rectifier, Energy Harvesting, Implantable Devices, Telemedicine, Internet of Bodies IOB, Embedded System.
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