New Hybrid Cuk-Landsman High Gain Dc-Dc Converter Modelling and Analysis

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : P. Deepa, S. Rajakumar, P. Josephin Shermila, E. Anna Devi, M. Eugine Prince, A. Jasmine Gnana Malar |
How to Cite?
P. Deepa, S. Rajakumar, P. Josephin Shermila, E. Anna Devi, M. Eugine Prince, A. Jasmine Gnana Malar, "New Hybrid Cuk-Landsman High Gain Dc-Dc Converter Modelling and Analysis," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 8-16, 2022. Crossref,
Due to the rising adoption of energy sources, the requirement for DC-DC converters has increased. As solar source’s low voltage, high gain boost converters are necessary for distributed photovoltaic production systems. The converter is created thus for the drawbacks of being larger and less efficient. This research proposes a novel hybrid Cuk and Landsman converter (HCLC) designed to obtain a higher voltage conversion ratio, better efficiency, and reduced driver circuits. The proposed converter is considering the use of a soft switching technique of the switches to reduce the current and voltage. Due to the obvious constant source current, the developed converter achieves low input current stress. MATLAB-Simulink is used to model the proposed work. To assess the effectiveness of the suggested structure, extensive comparisons and replication data are offered.
DC-DC converter with High Voltage, Cuk Converter, Landsman Converter, PV Power, Buck-Boost.
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