Soft switching power factor correction of Single Phase and Three Phases boost converter
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2014 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 1 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2014 |
Authors : V. Praveen, V. Masthanaiah |
How to Cite?
V. Praveen, V. Masthanaiah, "Soft switching power factor correction of Single Phase and Three Phases boost converter," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 12-18 , 2014. Crossref,
This paper presents Soft switching power factor correction(PFC) of single phase and three phases boost converter circuit with a new active snubber circuit and the main switch is turned on and off with zero voltage transition and zero current transition respectively without any additional stresses of voltage and current on the main switch. Auxiliary switch is turned ON and OFF with zero-current switching (ZCS) without additional voltage stress. By connecting the coupling inductance in the output side of the rectifier and it decreases the current stresses on the auxiliary switch because of some current is bypassed through this inductor. The proposed converter has controlled the values of output quantities of this converter with different load ranges. It is a very easy of controlled, cost is low and easy to design. In this project, a completed steady-state analysis of the proposed converter is presented. A three-phase single switch boost rectifier is implemented with same analysis and it is a harmonic injection method, it injected a specific voltage to vary the duty cycle and to meet the reduce harmonic content and also improves the power factor for the boost rectifier.
Soft switching (SS), power factor correction (PFC), Zero- current switching (ZCS), Zero- voltage switching (ZVS), boost converter.
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