Multilevel Inverter Design with Reduced Switches & THD Using Fuzzy Logic Controller

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2022 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 9 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2022
Authors : R. Venkedesh, R. Anandha Kumar, G. Renukadevi
How to Cite?

R. Venkedesh, R. Anandha Kumar, G. Renukadevi, "Multilevel Inverter Design with Reduced Switches & THD Using Fuzzy Logic Controller," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 9,  no. 12, pp. 1-21, 2022. Crossref,


Multilevel inverter technology is now often used for residential and industrial medium voltage conversion. Because of nonlinear loads linked to the power supply, harmonics can seriously destroy equipment. Therefore, eliminating losses is essential to enhancing overall efficiency. An innovative 31-level, asymmetrical multilevel inverter topology in solar PV systems is presented in this paper. The proposed 31-level cascaded H-bridge asymmetrical multilevel inverter's significant benefits were fewer switches, reduced loss, less electromagnetic interference, and a reduced total harmonic distortion. The system was designed to feed solar energy into the power grid. The PV-isolated system demands a consistent DC voltage level from the photovoltaic cells, and the Fuzzy logic control technique is employed to achieve a stable output. A four-level flyback converter system integrated between the photovoltaic modules and the inverter greatly enhances the PV voltage over the DC link voltage. To develop driven pulse signals for the power electronics switches, the above topology needs to employ a multicarrier offset pulse width modulation technique. The bitwise voltage sources for the input DC voltages are 6Vdc1, 12Vdc2, 24Vdc3, and 48Vdc4. MATLAB/SIMULINK software is used to illustrate the performance of this multilevel inverter. A thorough examination of the suggested topology is beneficial due to its decreased accessory count, consistency, and valueeffectiveness after a systematic comparison with the same and other levels in terms of switches, sources, and quantity of diodes & capacitors. The findings designed that this topology's THD is 3.06% and complies with IEEE harmonic criteria.


Multilevel inverter, DC voltage, Fuzzy logic control, THD and Modulation technique


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