Clustering Metric Algorithm for Cost-Effective Routing in Flying Ad-hoc Networks

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2022 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2022 |
Authors : Farithkhan Abbas Ali, E. D. Kanmani Ruby |
How to Cite?
Farithkhan Abbas Ali, E. D. Kanmani Ruby, "Clustering Metric Algorithm for Cost-Effective Routing in Flying Ad-hoc Networks," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 101-108, 2022. Crossref,
Recently, flying ad-hoc networks have become one of the fastest-growing scientific areas (FANETs). The military and civil sectors have many requirements. Clustering is an approach to combining nodes in different communities that have the same geographical proximity. It helps to increase the scalability of the network, reduce overhead and optimize performance. The process of choosing and forming CHs is a crucial component of cluster structure management. CMs (clustered members) can be repositioned subsequently to change the composition of the cluster. CHs should always broadcast their presence on a regular basis to their CMs to report modifications to the cluster structure. Cluster members should report their status to the cluster head. A network's output depends on its algorithm. Nodes are formed into a cluster, and cluster heads are selected using a clustering metric algorithm (CMA). Finally, input from the cluster head is sent to the ground control station and adjacent nodes. According to the results, the average end-to-end delay, packet throughput, and energy consumption per packet are compared to the suggested approaches. The results are calculated and measured. The outcome indicates the efficacy of the process suggested.
Flying ad-hoc network (FANET)s, Cluster members (CM), Gradient based clustering metric (GCM), Artificial intelligence (AI), Unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) .
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