Force Control of A Motorized Multi-Axis Ceiling Suspended System with Force-Torque Sensor

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Sudhir Madhav Patil, Maneetkumar Rangnath Dhanvijay, Kiran Ashokrao Chaudhari, Mrinai Maneetkumar Dhanvijay |
How to Cite?
Sudhir Madhav Patil, Maneetkumar Rangnath Dhanvijay, Kiran Ashokrao Chaudhari, Mrinai Maneetkumar Dhanvijay, "Force Control of A Motorized Multi-Axis Ceiling Suspended System with Force-Torque Sensor," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 79-86, 2023. Crossref,
Devices that measure multi-dimensional force torque are suitable for various industrial equipment / machines / processes applications. Such sensors/sensing devices can read the direct physical force and convert it into digital data. In addition to resistive strain gauges, piezoelectric, capacitive, and optoelectronic methods, there are many other ways to measure the strain. Most of these rely on detecting stresses in an elastic structure as their underlying sensing principle. Forcetorque sensors will be necessary because future human assistive equipment/machines will be more interactive with human beings in various unstructured circumstances. Due to criteria and design considerations, not only finding a suitable forcetorque sensor is challenging, but also it incurs high costs. These sensors frequently produce data that include noise and crosstalk problems. A multi-axis force-torque sensor application is discussed in this paper. To decrease noise and crosstalk mistakes, the study presented a control system that simultaneously gives motorized action and uses force as feedback. The proposed system can be evaluated using a variety of metrics; however, the fundamental design challenge is to expand the allowed sensing range while minimizing measurement errors. After thoroughly investigating the necessary data, the requirements for sensors and machine performance are examined. The development of force-torque sensors in the machine and the expansion of their application in the various service machine industries will benefit from this in-depth examination.
Crosstalk, Force-torque sensor, Load cell, Strain measurement, Torque control.
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