Wearable, Flag-Shape Microstrip Antenna with Slot in the Ground Plane for Medical Devices

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Archana Tiwari, A.A. Khurshid |
How to Cite?
Archana Tiwari, A.A. Khurshid, "Wearable, Flag-Shape Microstrip Antenna with Slot in the Ground Plane for Medical Devices," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 50-57, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V10I6P106
This work validates a wideband antenna that can be worn for medical telematics. The flag-shaped antenna constructed of the RT-duroid material with the modified ground is 34 mm by 22 mm by 0.8 mm. In order to increase the operational bandwidth and decrease the resonant frequency of a typical rectangular patch, rectangular slots are added to the partial ground plane. Providing an impedance bandwidth (-10dB) of 200 MHz, the design works at 2.48 GHz. The suggested antenna retains high efficiency (93% at 2.49 GHz) and gain (2.50 dBi). High efficiency, moderate gain, and simple design are the primary contributions.
Flag-shaped antenna, Medical application, Microstrip patch, Rogers RT/Duroid 5880.
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