Design and Comparative Analysis of Amended PIFA with Multiple RF Absorber Materials for SAR Reduction

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Ashok Kumar Penta, R. Phani Kumar.Ch |
How to Cite?
Ashok Kumar Penta, R. Phani Kumar.Ch, "Design and Comparative Analysis of Amended PIFA with Multiple RF Absorber Materials for SAR Reduction," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 221-227, 2023. Crossref,
Each mobile phone emits electromagnetic energy from the radio frequency, and the amount of that energy absorbed by the human head is measured by the specific absorption rate (SAR). There are standard limits, based on that cell phones should be below a certain amount of SAR. This paper designs and simulates a Planar Inverted F- Antenna (PIFA). The antenna is distributed from the grounded end to the intermediate point. The antenna configuration is more straightforward and lightweight, and the manufacturer can control the impedance matching without needing global matching parts. There is a requirement for an optimum shield material that can lower SAR while not jeopardizing the radiation structure's performance. The material is investigated and proposed as a good shield material for SAR reduction in this work. This unique implementation method achieved SAR values of 0.194 W/kg(Ferrite) and 0.176 W/kg(Foam absorber). The findings show that RF Absorbing Materials (Ferrite, Foam absorber) are excellent shielding materials for reducing SAR.
Specific Absorption Rate(SAR), PIF Antenna, RF Absorber Materials.
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