Machine Learning-Based Structure Prediction for QM9 Quantum Datasets

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Nahla K, Maimoona Ansari, Salah Eldeen F. Hegazi, Anjali Appukuttan, Bincy Vincent, Huda Fatima
How to Cite?

Nahla K, Maimoona Ansari, Salah Eldeen F. Hegazi, Anjali Appukuttan, Bincy Vincent, Huda Fatima, "Machine Learning-Based Structure Prediction for QM9 Quantum Datasets," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 4, pp. 226-233, 2024. Crossref,


The inner arrangement of the quantum mechanics dataset QM9 is investigated in this study. The dataset contains 1000 organic molecules as well as being defined in terms of electronic properties. To estimate the atomic composition using inverse molecular design attributes, one must understand the structure and properties of such data. The study used methods for detecting outliers, clustering, and intrinsic dimension analysis. The dataset was found to have descriptive dimensions far higher than their intrinsic dimensionality. Inliner items make up the majority of the inner core area of the QM9 data, whereas outliers dominate the outside region. The atom count in a molecule is strongly related to its outlier or inner character. Despite structural differences, important variables for inverse molecular design are very predictable. The molecular representation was estimated using Graph Neural Network (GNN), a modern Machine Learning (ML) algorithm. This study also did feature extraction and preprocessing before this algorithm. This proposed technique works for the outcomes.


Feature generation, Feature selection, Machine Learning, Outlier analysis, QM9 data.


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