Improvement of Power Quality in Single Stage Grid Connected PV System with Novel Configuration of Multilevel Inverter

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 4 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Pulinkumar J. Purohit, Mehulsinh G. Jadeja, Vishal G. Jotangiya, Parin H. Chauhan, Divyesh J. Vaghela |
How to Cite?
Pulinkumar J. Purohit, Mehulsinh G. Jadeja, Vishal G. Jotangiya, Parin H. Chauhan, Divyesh J. Vaghela, "Improvement of Power Quality in Single Stage Grid Connected PV System with Novel Configuration of Multilevel Inverter," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 234-239, 2024. Crossref,
Electric power is essential for doing many tasks and it will become eco-friendly to produce electricity through Photovoltaic (PV) panels. There is a main challenge to injecting power produced by PV panels into the utility grid for its best utilization. Using multi converters will increase the system size and cost; hence Single Stage Grid Connected (SSGC) PV system can be a viable solution for many issues. The inverter can play a major role in SSGC configuration, and it will do many jobs as per instructions from the control unit. Hence, an efficient inverter and its novel control method must be implemented to manage power flow from the PV system to the utility grid as well as to improve power quality at the local load bus system. To fulfill these objectives, a multilevel inverter can be a feasible solution. But, unfortunately, multilevel inverters suffer from the high number of switching devices, which increases system size, cost and complexity. Hence, a novel configuration of multilevel inverter is considered in this paper, which can be configurate with less number of switching devices as compared with conventional models. A 7-Level Parallel Inverter (7-LPI) and its control algorithm are implemented in this paper to improve the power quality at the load bus in the SSGC PV system under various operating conditions. Unbalanced load compensation, along with control of voltage, is done with the proposed method under various operating conditions. Hardware-in-Loop (HIL) simulation using OPAL-RT devices is conducted to evaluate the system's response under different operating conditions.
Power quality, 7-Level Parallel Inverter, Grid connected PV system, PV system, SSGC.
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