Application of Advanced Soft Computing Techniques for Harmonic Reduction Using Active Power Filters in Radial Distribution System

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Ashokkumar Lakum, Rakesh Parmar, Rahul Keshwala, Anita Parmar |
How to Cite?
Ashokkumar Lakum, Rakesh Parmar, Rahul Keshwala, Anita Parmar, "Application of Advanced Soft Computing Techniques for Harmonic Reduction Using Active Power Filters in Radial Distribution System," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 188-196, 2024. Crossref,
This paper addresses the use of advanced soft computing techniques, namely the Driving Training-Based Optimization algorithm (DTBO) and Coati Optimization Algorithm (COA), to reduce the harmonics through the use of active Power Filters (APFs). Distributed Generation (DG), like Solar Photo Voltaic (SPV) gained much interest due to its advantages. However, there are issues with Power Quality (PQ), including harmonic distortion, when SPVs are integrated into the Radial Distribution System (RDS). The harmonics are injected into the RDS by Nonlinear Loads (NLs). Here, NL at two end nodes is considered in addition to nonlinear DG (NLDG). APFs are used to decrease the harmonics to specified limits. In this instance, APFs are placed correctly to reduce harmonics and improve PQ. Within limitations on inequality, optimization seeks to minimize APF's current. DTBO optimizes the APF's size at the optimal bus location. The DTBO is inspired by natural processes and contains features that are well-balanced for both exploration and exploitation. A simulation is run on the IEEE-69 bus RDS to assess the DTBO's performance. It is compared with the recently published advanced soft computing technique COA. The simulation results confirm the stability and efficacy of the DTBO method in handling this optimization problem.
Advanced soft computing, Driving training-based optimization algorithm, Harmonics, Radial distribution system, Power system optimization.
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