Hybrid Energy Optimization for Reliable Water Pumping System: Integrating PV, Wind, and BLDC Motor with Advanced Control Strategies
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 6 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : P. Nagendra, K. Sasikala |
How to Cite?
P. Nagendra, K. Sasikala, "Hybrid Energy Optimization for Reliable Water Pumping System: Integrating PV, Wind, and BLDC Motor with Advanced Control Strategies," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 317-329, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V11I6P132
The improved pumping system reliability makes it possible to fully utilize a PV array, wind, and motor pump. This paper provides a new optimization strategy for a hybrid energy system that combines wind and grid-controlled Photovoltaic (PV) power with a Brushless DC (BLDC) engine to power a pump for water. The proposed strategy combines the use of Giant Trevally Optimization (GTO) for step size optimization with an Incremental Conductance-Giant Trevally Optimization (INCGTO) Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm. A powerful Zeta converter is employed in the setup to convert energy for the PV water drive usage, which is provided by a BLDC. The energy flow from the PV array, wind, and grid is managed by an Optimized Fuzzy-Fractional Order Proportional-Integral-Derivative (O-FFOPID) Controller that is optimized via GTO. It dynamically modifies the speed and power consumption of the BLDC motor in response to variations in the water demand and environmental conditions. The controller adapts to changing load demands and environmental conditions with ease by taking into account the dynamic nature of solar resources. The study illustrates the attainment of maximum power point operation for the power quality improvements and PV array, including a decrease in Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in the network and power factor correction using Matlab/Simulink simulations. Maximizing energy extraction and improving system sustainability are the goals of integrating renewable energy sources. This research improves the efficiency and dependability of water pumping systems while advancing the use of renewable energy sources.
Water pumping, Brushless DC (BLDC) motor, Incremental Conductance-Giant Trevally Optimization (INC-GTO), Optimized Fuzzy-Fractional Order Proportional-Integral-Derivative (O-FFOPID), MPPT, THD.
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