Performance Evaluation of MIMO-OSTBC System at mm-Wave Frequency

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 11 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2024
Authors : Priyadarshini K. Desai, Keerti Kulkarni
How to Cite?

Priyadarshini K. Desai, Keerti Kulkarni, "Performance Evaluation of MIMO-OSTBC System at mm-Wave Frequency," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11,  no. 6, pp. 338-350, 2024. Crossref,


The present wireless communication technology uses MIMO-Orthogonal Space-Time Block Code to improve wireless system performance (MIMO-OSTBC). It is very well known that in any MIMO system, closely placed antennas result in mutual coupling. The presence of mutual coupling degrades MIMO-OSTBC transmission performance. Hence, there is a necessity to design a multiple-antenna system, offering minimum mutual interaction that will result in performance enhancement of the MIMO-OSTBC system. This work mainly includes a 2x2 MIMO antenna system design for 24GHz frequency operation. The radiating elements are spaced at a distance of λ/4 from each other in the proposed design of a 2x2 MIMO system. The evaluation of the 2x2 MIMO system, with and without decoupling structure, is carried out through performance evaluation metrics such as ECC and TARC. The isolation of -33dB is achieved by introducing a defected ground structure and -22dB without decoupling structure. The CST tool is used to design and simulate a 2x2 multiple antenna. The simulated 2x2 multiple antenna is fabricated. The observed and simulated results accord with each other rather well. Next, an orthogonal STBC performance analysis is performed on 2x2 multi-antenna systems with and without isolation structures. The obtained results show that the reduction of mutual interaction (due to the introduction of Defective Ground Structure) improves the MIMO-STBC system’s overall performance (measured through Bit Error Rate).


Bit error rate, Defected ground structure, Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna (MRPA), Multiple antenna system, mm-wave, OSTBC.


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