Multi-Area Economic Load Dispatch Using Deep Recurrent Model Expending Renewable Energy

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : A. Antony Charles, R. Venkadesh |
How to Cite?
A. Antony Charles, R. Venkadesh, "Multi-Area Economic Load Dispatch Using Deep Recurrent Model Expending Renewable Energy," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 247-257, 2024. Crossref,
In minimizing the fuel cost through dispatch strategies by allocating power generation, Multi-Area Economic Load Dispatch (MAELD) poses a severe problem. The balance limitations must be met for the power distribution in economical load dispatch, and the generating limit, transmission line, and power balance limitations must be fulfilled. Traditional methods fail miserably when used to MAELD because of their complexity and non-linear issues. Many more metaheuristic algorithms have been used to solve the economic dispatch problems. In this research, an improvised version of the Deep Recurrent Neural Network model (DRNN) based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has been used to solve MAELD problems for four areas with a 3, 13 and 40-unit system. The LSTM algorithm combines the efficiency and diversity of heuristic search techniques with the subsistence of the most vital premise on or later evolutionary algorithms. This method eliminates the need on the way to comprehend the gradient of the optimization problem during the optimization search. The algorithm’s performance was examined in various unit systems, and fine-tuning the parameters reveals its unique qualities and vulnerabilities in the most appropriate applications. Compared to the other metamorphic procedures, the recommended system minimizes cost, valve point loading, and emission. Multi-Area Economic Load Dispatch solved three separate test scenarios. Using LSTM optimization methods, the optimal demand sharing of power-generating units is assessed. The simulation findings, generated using the MATLAB/Simulink platform, show that LSTM delivers high-quality cost solutions without violating constraints.
MAELD problem, Long Short-Term Memory, Evolutionary, Yield, Optimization.
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