Precision Measurement of Tablet Characteristics: A Digital Device Approach

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Milind S. Narlawar, Reema Roychaudhary, Poorvi K. Joshi, Pradnya Morey, Vishal Yadav |
How to Cite?
Milind S. Narlawar, Reema Roychaudhary, Poorvi K. Joshi, Pradnya Morey, Vishal Yadav, "Precision Measurement of Tablet Characteristics: A Digital Device Approach," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 312-316, 2024. Crossref,
Accurate tablet hardness and diameter measurements are critical to pharmaceutical quality control. However, traditional weight-based calibration techniques faced considerable difficulties because of the built-in limitations of the tablet hardness tests that are now on the market, particularly the small size of the force sensor housing. The hardness, diameter, and thickness of tablets are the primary focus of this comprehensive analysis. A sophisticated arm-mounted force application system, powered by a 50 kg load cell, measures tablet hardness in newtons as force is incrementally increased until the tablet fractures. Precise tablet dimensions are captured using two potentiometers functioning as variable resistors, ensuring accurate measurements of thickness and diameter. The experimental process involves meticulous calibration followed by individual tablet testing to record tablet properties accurately. Validation against established benchmarks confirms the reliability and accuracy of this approach. This study offers a robust method for thorough tablet assessment, ensuring accuracy and consistency in evaluating tablet characteristics, particularly in hardness, diameter, and thickness. Accurate measurement of these properties is critical for pharmaceutical quality control, and this research introduces a novel strategy integrating innovative technology with precise procedures to ensure consistent and reliable evaluations.
Tablet hardness tester, Thickness measurement device for tablets, Diameter measurement tool for tablets, Digital tablet characterization equipment.
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