Performance Enhancement of 3-ph 4-Switch Shunt Active Power Filter with Fuzzy-Based Control for Grid Connected Application

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : B. Pranith Kumar, K. Ravi Kumar, E. Vidyasagar |
How to Cite?
B. Pranith Kumar, K. Ravi Kumar, E. Vidyasagar, "Performance Enhancement of 3-ph 4-Switch Shunt Active Power Filter with Fuzzy-Based Control for Grid Connected Application," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 174-185, 2024. Crossref,
Increased power demand for EVs in the present day, which may increase in the future, causes more harmonic changes in the grid. Electric vehicles need DC voltage to charge the battery packs, so AC-DC converters are used with higher current ratings. The harmonic content in the grid voltages and currents is elevated due to the increased non-linear power demand. In conventional methods, the 3-ph SAPF filters the harmonics generated by non-linear loads. The conventional 3-ph SAPF has six switches connected to a grid controlled by a synchronization controller. In this paper, the conventional six-switch SAPF is replaced with a 4-switch SAPF, reducing the switching losses and cost of the module. For the analysis, the traditional grid is upgraded to the smart grid with renewable DG units and an EV charging station, which introduces more disturbances in the grid. In order to improve the performance of the 4-switch SAPF for the smart grid, the controller is integrated with the FLC module. The FLC tends to stabilize the SAPF module, further reducing the harmonics in the grid voltages and currents. A comparative analysis is carried out between the 4-switch SAPF and the proposed FLC-based SAPF to determine the better module. The validation of a better controller module is determined by comparing the harmonic reduction capability of the SAPFs. The analysis is carried out in the MATLAB Simulink environment utilizing the library's ‘Powersystem’ block sets.
Shunt Active Power Filter (SAPF), Distribution Generation (DG), Electric Vehicle (EV), Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB).
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