Multifunctional EV Charger with Bidirectional SEPIC Converter for Low Current Ripple in PV Source Supported Grid System

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 11 Issue 10 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : P. Vinay Kumar, P. Venkata Prasad, E. Vidhya Sagar |
How to Cite?
P. Vinay Kumar, P. Venkata Prasad, E. Vidhya Sagar, "Multifunctional EV Charger with Bidirectional SEPIC Converter for Low Current Ripple in PV Source Supported Grid System," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 186-196, 2024. Crossref,
A single-phase grid system with a PV source interconnected for renewable power sharing charging an EV battery is a complex design. At the DC link, the PV source and EV charger need to be connected for power exchange as per availability. The local residential load from the EV battery needs to be supported during grid islanding conditions. A multifunctional EV charger with a BD-SEPIC converter is proposed in this paper to achieve this. The BD-SEPIC converter can charge and discharge the EV battery per the system's requirements. The PV source is connected to the BD-SEPIC converter's input for power sharing to the grid or the EV battery. A single-phase voltage source full bridge converter connects the common DC link and the single-phase grid. The full bridge converter exchanges power between the grid, PV, and EV chargers based on grid availability. The full bridge converter is controlled by a central VSC control with a SOGI-FLL-DRC filter and SMC voltage regulator. The BD-SEPIC converter is controlled by V2G/G2V control. The power exchange between the modules is controlled as per the operation of the VSC and BD-SEPIC converter. An analysis of the proposed multi-module system with different operating conditions is carried out using the MATLAB Simulink software tool.
Photo Voltaic (PV), Electric Vehicle (EV), Bidirectional SEPIC (BD-SEPIC), Voltage Source Converter (VSC), Second Order Generalized Integrator – Frequency locked Loop – DC (SOGI-FLL-DRC) offset rejection control, Sliding Mode Control (SMC), Vehicle to Grid/Grid to Vehicle (V2G/G2V), MATLAB Simulink.
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