Design and Performance of Three Stages Rectangular Multiband Microstrip Fractal Antenna

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal
Volume 12 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Sudhir Kadam, Sagar Ganpati Mohite, Asit Rajakathar Kittur, Sanjay Shamrao Pawar, Aarti Prasad Pawar, A. Prabhakar
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Sudhir Kadam, Sagar Ganpati Mohite, Asit Rajakathar Kittur, Sanjay Shamrao Pawar, Aarti Prasad Pawar, A. Prabhakar, "Design and Performance of Three Stages Rectangular Multiband Microstrip Fractal Antenna," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 2, pp. 12-17, 2025. Crossref,


The antennas with features that modern wireless communication trans-receivers can be benefitted. Currently, a single antenna is working on one frequency band with one application. The novel antennas have been demonstrated in three stages that patch forms have a number of benefits over traditional antenna types, such as multiband, attractive design features and good electromagnetic energy radiation. A variety of frequencies are used by wireless communication technologies, which are becoming widespread. The proposed antenna designs with the highly desired qualities of multi-band, multi frequencies, low profile, and limited size have become necessary with high dielectric substrates and large electrical lengths. Due to their ability to transmit and receive a wide range of multi-frequencies, square-cut fractal antennas are ideal for multiband applications. When it comes to decreasing patch antenna cross-sectional area, fractal antenna works better than the methods outlined below. The antenna electrical length is increased by the shorting posts' procedures by improving its design, etching periodic slow wave structures on the ground plane, adding inductive components of the patch antenna-like edges with rotating and scale down to 54% and placing the slots inside the patch having structure of rectangular patch 27 mm x 27 mm. The simulated results with two frequency bands achieved bandwidth are 1.7143 GHz and 2.1714 GHz under VSWR and Return loss.


Square cut, Rectangular, Multiband, Fractal.


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