Design of an Autonomous Three-Wheeled Robot for Water Leak Detection Using Geophones

International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
© 2025 by SSRG - IJEEE Journal |
Volume 12 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2025 |
Authors : Albert Jorddy Valenzuela Inga, Rosali Ramos Rojas, Nabilt Jill Moggiano Aburto, Boris Senin Carhuallanqui Parian |
How to Cite?
Albert Jorddy Valenzuela Inga, Rosali Ramos Rojas, Nabilt Jill Moggiano Aburto, Boris Senin Carhuallanqui Parian, "Design of an Autonomous Three-Wheeled Robot for Water Leak Detection Using Geophones," SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 137-145, 2025. Crossref,
Water is distributed through pipeline networks that may suffer deterioration and leaks, making leak detection essential to save significant amounts of water and related costs. A portable, low-cost, three-wheeled robot car equipped with two geophones was proposed for leak detection. The robot can move autonomously on horizontal surfaces using ultrasonic and infrared sensors to search for leaks. For operation on vertical surfaces, it is equipped with a handle that allows the user to manually position it against walls. First, the robot’s specifications and functions are detailed. Second, the selected components, movement algorithm, and geophone signal evaluation process for locating leaks are explained. Finally, it was found that the robot’s energy consumption for 8 hours of operation is 91.52 Wh, which is fully supported by the selected 180 Wh battery, providing a low-cost alternative to GPR-based leak detection robots on the market and a more user-friendly solution compared to manually operated geophones that rely on user expertise.
Leak detection, Acoustic method, Geophone, Robot car, Mechanically control system, Velocity.
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