SSRG - IJEMS - Volume 9 Issue 2 - February 2022 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 The Effect of Foreign Debt, Workforce, and Net Exports on Indonesia's Economic Growth in Period of 1986 Q1 - 2020 Q4 - Nur Annisa, Nairobi, Arivina Ratih Yulihar Taher IJEMS-V9I2P101 2 The Effect of Customer Knowledge, Advertising and Brand Image on Transaction Intention of Sharia Commercial Bank - Sholhan Aziz, Mahrinasari MS, Satria Bangsawan IJEMS-V9I2P102 3 Vietnam's Economic Growth in the Period 2016-2021 - Viet Huong, Pham IJEMS-V9I2P103 4 The Contribution of Entrepreneurial Culture on Corporate Performance in the Banking Sector in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of African Century Bank - Gerald Munyoro, Witness Kusema, Webster Chimusakasa, Mercy Zingunde IJEMS-V9I2P104 5 Role of Key Performance Indicators and Compensation in Improving Employee Integrity and Performance - Abadi Sanosra, As’ad Maimun, Eko Budi Satoto, Nurul Qomariah IJEMS-V9I2P105 6 How Can Quality of Service and Brand Image Increase Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty? - Nurul Qomariah, Achmad Ansori, Nursaid IJEMS-V9I2P106 IJEMS MENUS IJEMS Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJEMS Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form