Driving Industrialization using Gas as a Transition Fuel in Nigeria

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2023 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 10 Issue 9
Year of Publication : 2023
Authors : Bello Babura Rabiu, Chijioke Nwaozuzu, Alwell Nteegah
How to Cite?

Bello Babura Rabiu, Chijioke Nwaozuzu, Alwell Nteegah, "Driving Industrialization using Gas as a Transition Fuel in Nigeria," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 10,  no. 9, pp. 1-8, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23939125/IJEMS-V10I9P101


There is a rising need for the transition into a more sustainable energy resource base in Nigeria, which oftentimes becomes a thing of concern to the government and the citizens to reflect on a sustainable energy system. It is important to note that policymakers have a great role to play in regulating the affairs of energy supply, as most of the infrastructure is determined by the dynamics and structure of the energy systems. With this, the quest to understand the energy system is at its zenith. This study focuses on exploiting natural gas as a transition fuel, capable of driving industrialization and improving the Nigerian economy.
This study used exploratory research tools to investigate the dynamics of adopting gas as a transition fuel for driving industrialization in the Nigerian energy ecosystem. Secondary data from archives and published documentation linked to the Nigerian energy systems were used for the analysis and to derive useful insights for the validation of the objectives of this study.
From the result of the analysis, three parameters were applied in the measurement of the energy systems to determine which system is best positioned to act as a transition fuel. They are: (1) The extraction rate of the energy system from its original source, (2) CO2 emission rate and content, (3) Carbon and other impurities contents. The proposed transition fuel (natural gas) showed the best response to the three parameters. Gas returned a 100% extraction rate; it was also observed that gas has the lowest CO2 emission of about 59.4% with a lower deposit of carbon content.
This study concludes that there is a need for the Nigerian power system to tackle its energy challenges by adopting gas as a transition fuel in support of sustainable energy. It also suggests the combination of gas as a fuel with other advanced technologies for optimal industrialization of the nation. This study also affirms that to sustain energy supply, there is a need to monitor consumption rates and patterns adequately, and this dynamic should be considered as a primary deciding factor during policymaking.


Industrialization, Natural gas, Transition fuel, Carbon emission, Electricity, Alternative energy.


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