Digitalization's Effect on Non-farm Enterprises Performance in Togo

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 9 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Ablamba A. Johnson |
How to Cite?
Ablamba A. Johnson, "Digitalization's Effect on Non-farm Enterprises Performance in Togo," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 16-25, 2023. Crossref,
This article aims to assess the impact of digital technology adoption on non-farm enterprise's performance in Togo. The propensity score method is used with data from the General Enterprises Census (RGE, 2018). The results show that the manager's level of education, whether the enterprise is involved in research and development, the type of internet connection the enterprise subscribed to, and its location are the main factors associated with using digital technologies in enterprises. Furthermore, using digital technology increases enterprise turnover by around 50% compared with enterprises which do not use it. However, the impact is more significant for foreign trade enterprises (51%) than for SMEs (29%) and large enterprises (13%). These results suggest that decision-makers should continue with the momentum noted in recent years regarding reforms aimed at improving the business environment, one of the key pillars of which remains the digitization of public services. This is at the heart of the government's roadmap and is intended to enhance the use of digital technology by private-sector businesses.
Digitalization, Non-farm enterprises performance, Private sector, Digital markets, Technology.
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