Corporate Accountability: A Review

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2016 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 3 Issue 12
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Kanchan Lata Tripathi
How to Cite?

Kanchan Lata Tripathi, "Corporate Accountability: A Review," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 3,  no. 12, pp. 28-31, 2016. Crossref,


we cannot be ignorant to the corporate acts that are harmful to society as we do possess our own responsibility at first place. If someone is harming us in a direct way or indirect, we should be the one raising our voice against it without just waiting for someone else like an NGO or the government to observe the issue and tackle with it. Corporate Accountability is not a new issue but its gaining speed in discussion and implementation these days. This paper after giving a brief introduction about the corporate accountability gives some definitions from the literature, then the problems regarding Corporate Accountability has been discussed. Need for corporate accountability and then some recommendations are also provided in later sections.


Corporate Accountability, Sustainability, Responsibility.


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