Modeling Causality Relationship between Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Intention

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Talla M Aldeehani, Talal A. Al-Huwail, Fouzan Y. Al-Sumait
How to Cite?

Talla M Aldeehani, Talal A. Al-Huwail, Fouzan Y. Al-Sumait, "Modeling Causality Relationship between Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Intention," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 6,  no. 4, pp. 31-45, 2019. Crossref,


We investigate the causal relationship between some established personality traits and the decision to undertake an entrepreneurial venture business. A theoretical research conceptual framework was developed to include the personality traits of extraversion, locus of control, risk-taking propensity and self-efficacy as potential predictors of entrepreneurship. We surveyed two groups of Kuwaiti respondents, existing entrepreneurs, and intend-to-be entrepreneurs. Using atheory-driven structural equations modeling process, for the two groups, self-efficacy trait was found to be a positive and significant predictor of entrepreneurship. However, amismatched perception between the two groups on what determines self-efficacy leading to entrepreneurshipwas also found.Based on their experienceand knowing what it takes to succeed in entrepreneurial ventures in Kuwait, existing entrepreneurs believe that only extraversion trait is a valid predictor of self-efficacy. The inexperienced intend-to-be entrepreneurs believe that only locus of control is a valid predictor. The paper provides further discussions of the results and their possible theoretical and practical implications.


GDP, SMEs, Entrepreneurial Intention


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