The Role of Passion -Preneurs In The Creativity And Performance of Enertprises
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Mohammed MERI, Taher ALKHALAF |
How to Cite?
Mohammed MERI, Taher ALKHALAF, "The Role of Passion -Preneurs In The Creativity And Performance of Enertprises," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. 7-18, 2019. Crossref,
The term of Passion-preneurship dominates scientific works of Scholars and the best practices of practitioners during the 20 past years. It has been exhaustively described (principles, methodology, models, culture, practices,) and of course its success was huge enterprises and Startups.
Understand and analyze the entrepreneurial passion is crucial : how a factor acting on the intent of entrepreneurial behaviors starts up at Technopole Normandie-Synergia. Several cognitive and behavioral variables play an important role during the process of innovation and creation.
This (passion-preneur) is a new approach in the business or socio-economy domain; it implements new components of culture and methodology to achieve effective results in modern enterprises and societies.
The purpose of this research is to contribute to describe the intention of creativity and entrepreneurial innovation by being part of a psycho-sociological approach. Therefore, Ajzen's theory of planned creativity behaviour (1991) served as a theoretical framework for assessing the determinants of entrepreneurial intent and understanding of the entrepreneurial process of individuals within a firm. This theory states that the entrepreneurial intention of an individual is a complex process from the idea , the identification of an opportunity to finally exploit the act of entrepreneurial creativity. Given the multidimensional nature of entrepreneurial intent, we mobilized SPSS software to test our research hypotheses on a sample of 254 start-ups of young entrepreneurs and / or projects with high technologies and creativity in France. The results show that the set of variables of passion correlates with the set of intention variables. The results also reveal that creativity, self-efficacy as a mediating variable, strengthens the relationship between passion and entrepreneurial intent. This research examines the results and their implications for future research and practice, as well as proposing a practical model to be implemented.
Passion,Intention,Creativity, Innovation, Performance.
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