Accounting Earnings Persistence And Security Valuation Among Quoted Firms In Nigeria

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2019 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 6 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2019 |
Authors : Okpa, Inah Bassey, Ejoh, Ndifon Ojong, Okpala, Vivian Chinenye |
How to Cite?
Okpa, Inah Bassey, Ejoh, Ndifon Ojong, Okpala, Vivian Chinenye, "Accounting Earnings Persistence And Security Valuation Among Quoted Firms In Nigeria," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 6, no. 12, pp. , 2019. Crossref,
The study examined the implications of accruals and cash flows on earnings persistence among selected manufacturing firms in Nigeria. Specifically, the work examines the persistence of accruals and cash flows on earnings persistence and security pricing among selected manufacturing firms. The work is anchored on Earnings Fixation Theory (EFT) and Efficient Market Theory (EMT). The work employed the Ex-post facto research design, with data obtained from published financial statements of twenty-one selected manufacturing firms listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange from 2009-2018. Descriptive statistics, correlation matrix and regressions analyses were performed on the data using Eviews. The results from the test of hypotheses revealed that accruals and cash flows component of current earnings significantly affect future earnings predictability of manufacturing firms in Nigeria, with the effect of cash flows being greater than that of accruals. The study further revealed that there is significant security mispricing associated with accruals and cash flows persistence information of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study concludes that there is serious security mispricing of the persistence information of cash flows and accruals in the manufacturing space, with investors underestimating both cash flows and accruals. The study therefore recommend that management of manufacturing firms should increase disclosure of the information of accruals and cash flows, as it plays a role in equity markets by reducing information asymmetries.
Earnings Persistence, Security Pricing, Accruals, CashFlows, Earnings Fixation Theory, Efficient Market Theory
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