Perceived Value On Adapting To Online Study: Indonesian Student Perspectives during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Agung Widagda, Ida Bagus Agung Dharmanegara, I Wayan Gde Sarmawa |
How to Cite?
Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Agung Widagda, Ida Bagus Agung Dharmanegara, I Wayan Gde Sarmawa, "Perceived Value On Adapting To Online Study: Indonesian Student Perspectives during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 170-178, 2020. Crossref,
The purpose of this study is to give an idea of the perceived value of students on the adoption of online lectures in Indonesia. The research population is all students in Indonesia who have attended online lectures. The size of the sample taken as many as 500 people with the descriptive analysis method. The results showed that online lectures provide perceived values that include functional values, emotional values, epistemic values, social values, conditional values, and economic values. Of the six types of perceived value, it turns out that emotional value is the highest felt by students, followed by functional value, social value, epistemic value, and economic value. This has implications for stakeholders in the field of higher education so that online lectures are developed further because they provide benefits to students on all dimensions of benefits, but the main focus that needs to be improved is on functional value.
Perceived value, functional value, emotional value, social value, epistemic value, conditional value, and economic value.
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