The Effects of E-Service Quality and E-Recovery Service Quality on Perceived Value and Loyalty Intention of GOJEK Applications Users in the Period of COVID-19 Pandemic
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Cipta Panji Utama, Mahrinasari, Dorothy Rouly |
How to Cite?
Cipta Panji Utama, Mahrinasari, Dorothy Rouly, "The Effects of E-Service Quality and E-Recovery Service Quality on Perceived Value and Loyalty Intention of GOJEK Applications Users in the Period of COVID-19 Pandemic," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 84-90, 2021. Crossref,
This study aims to determine the effects of E-Service Quality on Perceived Value, E-Recovery Service Quality on Perceived Value, E-Service Quality on Loyalty Intentions, E-Service Quality on Loyalty Intentions, and determine whether there is a mediating effect of Perceived Value on the total effect of E-Service and E-Recovery Service Quality with Loyalty Intention and to investigate the effect of Perceived Value on Loyalty Intentions. The sample was collected through 618 respondents who had used the Gojek application in Indonesia with the purposive sampling technique. To analyze the data, regression tests and Sobel tests were used. The result shows that E-Service Quality has a significant effect on Perceived Value, E-Recovery Service Quality has a significant effect on Perceived Value, E-Service Quality has a significant effect on Loyalty Intentions, E-Recovery Service Quality has a significant effect on Loyalty Intentions, and there is a mediating effect of Perceived Value on the total effect of E-Service and E-Recovery Service Quality with Loyalty Intention. Perceived Value has a significant effect on Loyalty Intentions.
E-Recovery Service Quality, E-Service Quality, Gojek, Loyalty Intention, Perceived Value.
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