Modeling Urban Transport Mode Options 07 Routes Terminal Guntur - Cibatu And Trains Local Economics In Cibatu – Garut Indonesia

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal
Volume 8 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Nanda Ahda Imron, Nusantara Adji Pahlawan
How to Cite?

Nanda Ahda Imron, Nusantara Adji Pahlawan, "Modeling Urban Transport Mode Options 07 Routes Terminal Guntur - Cibatu And Trains Local Economics In Cibatu – Garut Indonesia," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8,  no. 1, pp. 160-164, 2021. Crossref,


Total population that is increasing every year in Garut accompanied by an increase vehicle volume. Limitations society in choosing mode transportation push one of the efforts taken by the government to overcome congestion is to reactivate Cibatu – Garut railroad which has been inactive since 1983. This study aims know model mode choice and potential mode shift. Data collection method uses interviews or distributing questionnaire to 100 respondents. After that, data analysis using stated preference method in SPSS software. The conclusion is modal choice model based on variables from travel time, costs, waiting time, risk accident, seat avaibility, and comfortable is P = 0,664 – 0,009X2 – 0,014X3 – 0,013X4 – 0,012X5 – 0,019X6 - 0,003X7. Potential mode shift of Urban Transportation are Economic Local Train based on travel time is 3.7%, costs is 1.9%, waiting time is 4.3%, risk accident is 3%, seat avaibility 0.4%, and comfortable is 5.3%


Stated Preference, Urban Transportation, Economy Local Train, Mode Choice, Potential Mode Shift


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