The Influence of Price Cuts, Shop Scene and Hedonic Shopping Value on Impulse Buying Behavior on Visitors of Transmart Yasmin Bogor
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 7 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Sujana, Riyan |
How to Cite?
Sujana, Riyan, "The Influence of Price Cuts, Shop Scene and Hedonic Shopping Value on Impulse Buying Behavior on Visitors of Transmart Yasmin Bogor," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 21-29, 2021. Crossref,
In the digital era, the growth of online retail business in Indonesia is increasing, which can lead to changes in consumer buying behavior, from shopping offline to online shopping; therefore, conventional retail businessmen have to rack their brains to be able to attract consumers to visit. And make purchases they did not plan so that the company can get the maximum turnover.
The purpose of this study was (1) to determine how much influence Discount, Store Atmosphere, and Hedonic Shopping Value can influence impulse buying behavior on visitors of the Yasmin Bogor Transmart (2) to analyze whether there is an effect of discounting on impulse buying behavior. (3) to analyze whether there is an effect of shop atmosphere on impulse buying behavior, and (4) to analyze whether there is an effect of hedonic shopping value on impulse buying behavior on transmartYasmin Bogor visitors.
The target respondents in this study were visitors to the transmartYasmin Bogor, with a total of 294 respondents. The research data were processed using SPSS and Lisrel using the SEM method.
The results of this study are (1) There is an effect resulting from Discounts, Shop Atmosphere and Hedonic Shopping Value on Impulse Buying Behavior with a value of the coefficient of determination or R square of 82%, while the remaining 18% is explained by other variables outside the variable used in research. (2) There is a positive and significant influence on the discount variable on the Impulse Buying Behavior of 21%, with the value of Discount Price of 2.05 greater than 1.96. (3) There is a positive and significant influence on the store atmosphere variable on the Impulse Buying Behavior of 20%, with a discounted price value of 4.20 greater than 1.96. (4) There is a positive and significant influence on the hedonic shopping value variable on the Impulse Buying Behavior of 57%, with a discount value of 8.09, greater than 1.96. And it can be concluded that each variable (discounted prices, shop atmosphere, and hedonic shopping value) in this study has an influence on impulse buying behavior on visitors of the Yasmin Bogor Transmart, which can be used by companies to get maximum turnover from unplanned purchasing behavior at each. Visitors who come to yasminYasmintransmart.
Price Discounts, Shop Atmosphere, Hedonic shopping value, and Impulse Buying Behavior.
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