Application of Non-Proft Accounting Standard (PSAK 45) and Internal Control in Religious Organization

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Meike Lina Munthe, Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari |
How to Cite?
Meike Lina Munthe, Maria Mediatrix Ratna Sari, "Application of Non-Proft Accounting Standard (PSAK 45) and Internal Control in Religious Organization," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 29-32, 2021. Crossref,
This study aims to determine how the application of the Non-profit Accounting Standard (PSAK 45) presents the financial statements of the Church of Christ Jesus JemaatKuta (GKY Kuta) and the implementation of internal controls in it. This study used a qualitative method with the number of informants as many as 4 people who were determined using the purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through interviews and observations on the financial statements of GKY Kuta. The data analysis technique used is an interactive analysis model. The results show that GKY Kuta has not implemented PSAK 45 because there is no normative belief to apply PSAK 45 in church financial reporting, and the internal control system that runs at GKY Kuta has been able to reduce the potential for fraud to a level that is acceptable to the organization.
Non-Profit Entities, Church, Fraud, PSAK 45, Internal Control.
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