Work Life Balance and Work from Home Culture in India due to the Pandemic Covid-19 in Indian Setting

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 8 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Dr. Prashant R. Kamble, Ms. Rhea Bangera |
How to Cite?
Dr. Prashant R. Kamble, Ms. Rhea Bangera, "Work Life Balance and Work from Home Culture in India due to the Pandemic Covid-19 in Indian Setting," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 57-61, 2021. Crossref,
Due to the deadly virus, the work culture has seen an upheaval in the lifestyle of people and their work ethics. Work from home culture has been adopted by many organizations because of the pandemic at the threshold of all the nations. The work from home culture demands employees to be flexible and responsive to change and cope up with the new normal. The status quo needs employers and employees to be supple and be innovative so that the employees are productive and systematic in their daily chores. This study is conducted to know how to work from home culture, and work-life balance is adapted by employees in India during the pandemic. The research was conducted for individuals working in different sectors who worked from home and adapted to the new culture during the pandemic. The interlocutor stated their level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction regarding their task, assurance of their jobs, and the organization's decision. While working from home, employees are facing major barriers like internet connectivity, fraternize with co-workers, and apprehension due to pandemics. Unequivocally employees have every aid from their team while working from home, and telecommunicating helps them to increase their potency and thereby feel motivated. Change can be beautiful when we are courageous to evolve with it. Austerity and confrontation are part and parcel of every individual’s life, and they enhance qualities, teach us important lessons and give us unique experiences. This research report will help us to understand how employees of different sectors are coping up with the new normal and work from home culture during the current pandemic situation.
Work from Home Culture, Covid-19.
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