Productivity Assessment (Performance, Motivation, and Job Training) using Profile Matching
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJEMS Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 12 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Hasrul Azwar Hasibuan, Rahima Br. Purba, Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan |
How to Cite?
Hasrul Azwar Hasibuan, Rahima Br. Purba, Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan, "Productivity Assessment (Performance, Motivation, and Job Training) using Profile Matching," SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 1-5, 2016. Crossref,
A good company gives an opportunity for employees to develop their creativity through new ideas of employees. Any opinions, thoughts or ideas are the results of ideas. There is a process of reflection on an opinion or an idea that emerged at the head of the employee. But not all employees who have a brilliant idea. There are some among them who are not motivated to have a good performance. Three factors influence the employee reputation. Performance, motivation, and job training are the essential things to do by the company to raise the reputation. Each employee level can be calculated by Profile Matching method. It produces the value of each employee or ranks them in ascending or descending order. The benefit to the company is they can promote the best employees in particular period.
Productivity, Assessment, Profile Matching.
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