Seismological and Well-Acoustic Monitoring of Nonlinear Manifestations in a Layered- Block Environment with Hierarchical Inclusions
International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science |
© 2020 by SSRG - IJGGS Journal |
Volume 7 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2020 |
Authors : Olga Hachay, Andrey Khachay |
How to Cite?
Olga Hachay, Andrey Khachay, "Seismological and Well-Acoustic Monitoring of Nonlinear Manifestations in a Layered- Block Environment with Hierarchical Inclusions," SSRG International Journal of Geoinformatics and Geological Science, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 43-46, 2020. Crossref,
Problem statement
The geological environ-ment is an open system on which external and internal factors act. They can lead it to an unstable state, which, as a rule, manifests itself locally in the form of zones called dynamically active elements, by which potential catastrophic sources can be identified. These objects differ from the host geological environment in their structural forms, which are often hierarchical types.
Applied method and design: The process of their nonlinear activation can be observed using borehole monitoring of acoustic fields, for the mathematical support of which new modeling algorithms have been developed using the method of integral and integro-differential equations with the inclusion of nonlinear terms in the dependence of the wave parameter on frequency.
Typical results. When interpreting the results of acoustic monitoring, it is necessary to use the data of
such observation systems that are configured to study the hierarchical structure of the medium. A new algorithm has been developed for processing the seismological information of a detailed mine catalogue taking into account the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of deformation waves propagating at different speeds in a rock mass, which is under intense external influence in the form of mass or technological explosions.
Concluding note.It was established that waves propagating with velocities from 1 to 10 m / h are the predominant carrier of energy in the array and contribute to its release. The responses of an array with energy of less than 104 joules contribute to the crypto rearrangement of the array and with energy of release greater than 105 joules, can be considered as precursors of destructive dynamic phenomena.
slow deformation waves, seismic mine catalogue, seismological information processing algorithm, hierarchical environment, acoustic field, iterative modeling algorithm, nonlinear manifestations.
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