Suitability Analysis of Waste Collection Sites in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Felix Nmehielle, Olanrewaju Lawal and Ogoro Mark |
How to Cite?
Felix Nmehielle, Olanrewaju Lawal and Ogoro Mark, "Suitability Analysis of Waste Collection Sites in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 1-12, 2018. Crossref,
The suitability of waste collection points in the wake of increased population and the proliferation of waste collection point is of concern to residents of Port Harcourt metropolis and centred to this research. The Global positioning System unit was used to collect the coordinate of all waste collection point across the study area. The waste collection points were buffered using defined factors such as distance of waste collection points from population, water bodies, the location of these points on soil types, and the manoeuvrability of waste collection trucks. The waste collection coordinate points were overlaid for the locations suitability which is tied to the sensitive environment guided by base maps, imageries retrieved from Landsat and google image. Findings revealed that the location of waste collection points across the study area is random and occurred indiscriminately exposed to sensitive environment such as water bodies, permeable soil, and denser population. The study therefore recommends that evacuation of waste from the locations should be done within munities to avoid percolation in to the ground water. Perforated surfaces to collect waste should be encouraged across the study area to contain the aesthetic degradation caused by locating waste collection points on crash barrier and minimise the risk of seepage and infiltration of pollutants from the deposited waste into ground water. Finally, sorting of waste should be encouraged at source of generation to minimise the deposition of toxic or potential toxic waste on the soil which could result in seepage, infiltration and flow as overland flow in to water bodies.
suitability, waste, sensitive, environment, pollutants.
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