Employee Engagement: A Competitive Advantage for Organizations
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal |
Volume 5 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Ifeanyi Egwuonwu and Ugochukwu Marius |
How to Cite?
Ifeanyi Egwuonwu and Ugochukwu Marius, "Employee Engagement: A Competitive Advantage for Organizations," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 18-23, 2018. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942703/IJHSS-V5I5P103
The purpose of this paper is to make a contribution to employee engagement theory by considering the evolution of employee engagement and the role employee engagement plays in employee performance. This paper highlights theoretical connections between employee engagement and employees performance. The article discusses linkages between engagement and employee performance which suggests research potential for employee engagement discipline. The paper encourages organizations to consider employee engagement as ways of improving competitive advantage. This conceptual paper provides an overview of employee engagement literature with a novel contribution identifying evolutionary waves in the development of the concept. It highlights the basic importance as well as strategies for improving employee engagement concept, and the paper concludes that employee engagement is a multi-faceted and dynamic concept which can be influenced an employee’s emotional countenance.
Employee engagement, employee performance, personal engagement, personal disengagement.
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