Rural Land Security Systems and Farm Management in the Commune of Djougou (Republic Of Benin)

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2018 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 5 Issue 6
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Awolou SA, Vanga AF and Affessi AS
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Awolou SA, Vanga AF and Affessi AS, "Rural Land Security Systems and Farm Management in the Commune of Djougou (Republic Of Benin)," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 5,  no. 6, pp. 29-36, 2018. Crossref, / 23942703 / IJHSS-V5I6P106


In Benin, land, the main factor of agricultural production, is subject to various human pressures, leading to a situation of insecurity that currently characterizes rural land in the commune of Djougou. This study aims to understand the rural land tenure security systems and identify their effects on agriculture. To collect the data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The qualitative method, using an interview guide, in individual interviews with customary authorities, traditional chiefs, political and administrative authorities, community leaders and religious authorities. A focus group was conducted with the village assemblies. As for the quantitative approach, it consists of administering questionnaires to farmers (30), local government officials (07) and decentralized government services (05). At the end of the investigations, it appears that the most common forms of rural land tenure security. However, by their position, some actors influence land managers and take advantage of their ignorance to take over the domains. This attitude has serious consequences: disengagement and destruction of farmers, This situation calls on all stakeholders in rural land tenure to become aware of the growing phenomenon.This attitude has serious consequences: disengagement and destruction of farmers, This situation calls on all stakeholders in rural land tenure to become aware of the growing phenomenon. This attitude has serious consequences: disengagement and destruction of farmers, This situation calls on all stakeholders in rural land tenure to become aware of the growing phenomenon.


System, Security, Rural Land, Djougou, Benin.


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