Geography of the Production of Ipomoeabatatas (Sweet Potato): An Analysis in the Space of Santchou (West-Cameroon)

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2019 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 2
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Abdoulay Mfewou, Fon Dorothy Engwali, Platini Tchofo
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Abdoulay Mfewou, Fon Dorothy Engwali, Platini Tchofo, "Geography of the Production of Ipomoeabatatas (Sweet Potato): An Analysis in the Space of Santchou (West-Cameroon)," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 6,  no. 2, pp. An Analysis in the Space of Santchou (West-Cameroon)" SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 62 (201967-72, 2019. Crossref,


This article presents the socioeconomic impact of sweet potato for the population of Santchou (West Cameroon). This ancient crop takes the second position after cassava. The Santchou production area is sandy-clay and sometimes it drains in some places but rich in organic matter favorable for this commercial crop. This study was carried out for 05 months that is, (November-March 2017), in five villages, out of a population of 70 heads of households, chosen randomly. Hence as a criterion of choice: to have at least one hectare of sweet potato. The results show that the improved varieties are more productive (5 to 10 tones/ hectare) compared to the traditional variety (3 to 5 tones in average). The problem recorded is post-harvest management because of the rapid decay of this product compared to cassava or potato. The interest in this crop let to the closure of the rice company (SODERIM) of the 1990s which was considered as the driving force of the Mbos plain (Santchou). Now our days, the sector generates little temporary and permanent jobs to solve the problem of unemployment and contributes to the social integration of young people and adults in this activity. Despite the traditional production techniques, sweet potato is a financial source (10.000FCFA / net) and the source of food for the population. The benefits of this crop allow the farmer to satisfy his need and participate in financial savings.


Socioeconomic development, West Cameroon, Sweet potato, Tubers.


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