The Implementation of Peer Tutor Learning Model to Improve Student Participation and Student Learning’s Score in Basics of Engineering Drawing on Smk Negeri 5 Surakarta’s x-dpib a Students

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science
© 2019 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal
Volume 6 Issue 4
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Fajar Indra Kusuma, Chundakus Habsya, Budi Siswanto
How to Cite?

Fajar Indra Kusuma, Chundakus Habsya, Budi Siswanto, "The Implementation of Peer Tutor Learning Model to Improve Student Participation and Student Learning’s Score in Basics of Engineering Drawing on Smk Negeri 5 Surakarta’s x-dpib a Students," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 6,  no. 4, pp. 61-64, 2019. Crossref,


This research aims to know the increase student’s participation andStudent’s learning score by implementing Peer Tutor Learning Modelin Engineering Drawing subject.The research is a classroom action research, conducted in class ofXDesign Modeling Techniques Building Sciences ( DPIB ) A Public Vocation High School ( SMKN ) 5 Surakarta consisting of 34 students. It was done in two cycles. Each cycle comprised planned, taking action, observation, and reflection. The researchs instruments were student’s learning participation assessment and cognitive assessment. The data validity used expert judgement and analyze the data used qualitative descriptive analysis.The learning activeness of students during pre-cycle includes the category quite active with a value of 54.63 in the first cycle including the active category with a value of 68.75 and the second cycle including the active category with a value of 78.00. Student learning outcomes have increased from the cycle, with a value of 23.52% first, cycle with a value of 44.11%, and in the second cycle with a value of 76.47%


Peer Tutor Learning Model, learning participation, Student’s learning score.


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