Determinants of Cybercrime Awareness Among Internet users in Nigeria

International Journal of Humanities and Social Science |
© 2021 by SSRG - IJHSS Journal |
Volume 8 Issue 5 |
Year of Publication : 2021 |
Authors : Chibuike Ndubuisi Nwoke, Ogochukwu Favour Nzeakor, Nnamdi Green Nwoha, Obinna Ugwu, Osinachi Peter Uba-Uzoagwa, Thank God Ikenegbu |
How to Cite?
Chibuike Ndubuisi Nwoke, Ogochukwu Favour Nzeakor, Nnamdi Green Nwoha, Obinna Ugwu, Osinachi Peter Uba-Uzoagwa, Thank God Ikenegbu, "Determinants of Cybercrime Awareness Among Internet users in Nigeria," SSRG International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 14-22, 2021. Crossref,
The study used questionnaire, supplemented with IDI to collect data from 1,104 Internet users in order to examine the demographic and situational factors that influence the quality and/or volume of cyber-security awareness as a cyber-policing measure.
Results: 1)Having falling victim of cyber-security incidents in the past significantly influences the volume and content of cyber-security awareness in the sense that more of the victims (M = 1.7, SD = 1.7) than non-victims (M = .73, SD = 1.3) of cybercrime were informed of cyber-security. 2)Educational level significantly influence awareness in the sense that more of the lowly educated (M = 1, SD = .9) than highly educated (M = .9, S.D = .8) Internet users were informed of cyber-security. 3)Marital status, age, and sex were not significant determinants of awareness, though it was shown that more of the ever married (M = 1.0; SD = .87), older (M = 1.2; SD = .86), and female (M = 1.1; SD = .88) Internet users were informed of cybercrime than their single (M = .98; SD = .88), younger (M = .96; SD = .88), and male (M = .88; SD = .87) counterparts. Increasing quality and proper awareness campaign was recommended.
Awareness, Cyber-security, demographic factor, situational factor, victimization experiences
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