Operations Management Model for Automotive Service Workshops in Peru: Service Level Improvement through Lean Manufacturing and SLP

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2025 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 12 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2025
Authors : Ximena Fiorella Miranda-Bazán, Alvaro Adrián Taboada-Ramírez, Wilson David Calderón-Gonzales
How to Cite?

Ximena Fiorella Miranda-Bazán, Alvaro Adrián Taboada-Ramírez, Wilson David Calderón-Gonzales, "Operations Management Model for Automotive Service Workshops in Peru: Service Level Improvement through Lean Manufacturing and SLP," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 12,  no. 1, pp. 12-21, 2025. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23499362/IJIE-V12I1P102


Latin America's automotive repair SME sector faces persistent operational challenges that hinder its efficiency and competitiveness. Prior studies have explored Lean methodol ogies and Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) in large-scale industries, leaving a gap in adapting these tools for smaller automotive workshops. The discrepancies above are sought to be solved through the formulation and verification of an integrated operations management model that combines the Lean Manufacturing approach and SLP. It applied the 5S technique, layout optimization, and process standardization to minimize movements and delays. The verification step showed substantial improvement in the service level from 84.91% to 95.00%, along with a 32.99% improvement in the diagnostic time. These results demonstrate that the model can enhance service quality and operational efficiency and contribute to the academic literature and practice by providing a model usable by SMEs. Further research should assess the sustainability of the model and the use of digital monitoring systems.


Continuous improvement, Process optimization, Waste reduction, Workflow efficiency, Automotive service SMEs.


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