Study of 3rd party logistics in Automotive Manufacturer Company
International Journal of Industrial Engineering |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJIE Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Dhruva joshi and Dr. Nagendra sohani |
How to Cite?
Dhruva joshi and Dr. Nagendra sohani, "Study of 3rd party logistics in Automotive Manufacturer Company," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 19-21, 2015. Crossref,
Assembly line stoppage is vital issue in automotive manufacturing company. In this paper we proposed a method to reduce this by using 3rd party logistics. we collect data in automotive manufacturing company, outsource his internal movement of material and ‘In plant warehousing’ to a logistic company. We find the causes of assembly line stoppage those are related to 3rd party logistic and provide possible solutions.
3 rd party logistics (3PL), Assembly line stoppage, material shortage, material rejection
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