An Alternative DSFB Fuel for Pure Diesel Four Stroke Engine

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2016 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 3 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : Prof. Dr.V.S.Oddvar Petter
How to Cite?

Prof. Dr.V.S.Oddvar Petter, "An Alternative DSFB Fuel for Pure Diesel Four Stroke Engine," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 3,  no. 1, pp. 8-10, 2016. Crossref,


Refined sunflower oil used for an alternative oil of four stroke diesel engine. To overcome the increasing demand of diesel oil a mixture of 30% of refined sunflower oil and diesel used as good lubricant oil for diesel engine. A relative experimental study was accompanied to estimate the presentation of solo cylinder four stroke VCR (variable compression ratio) diesel engines when fuelled withsunflower blends with diesel fuel in consonant speed of 1500 rpm. Experiments were also accepted out with diesel oil to be used as a sample point. For the test we calculate the following Power of the engine, Torque, BSFC, Thermalefficiency, brake thermal efficiency and Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC). These Surveys will supportto discover the alternateof Diesel and also make best use of the refined sunflower oil mixtures with Pure Diesel in solo cylinder, four stroke VCR diesel engine. This examination was made numerous loading situations at constant speed are documented and calculated to relate it with pure diesel fuel.


  Four Stroke VCR Diesel Engine, Alternative Mixture, Refined Sunflower Oil and Diesel oil.


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