The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of electronic prescription use to improve patient safety in drug administration. In its implementation, the use of an electronic prescribing system in prescription writing has been proven to decrease the number of prescribing mistakes. Treatment errors such as the mistake of writing the name of the drug, determining the dosage, and using the right type of medication for the patient can be prevented. The cross-sectional survey design was used, data and information from a hospital that has been using electronic prescriptions collected. Evaluation is also done to the doctor to know the doctor's acceptance of the implementation of the electronic prescription system, by providing an evaluation form of the use of electronic prescriptions. The results of this study found 8 incidents that decrease significantly (40%), 5 incidents increase significantly (25%), 1 stagnant (5%), 1 incident increase insignificant (5%), and 5 no measurable incidents (25 %). Declining incident trends occur in E1 (p-value (0.33)> 0.05), E3 (p-value (0.3)> 0.05), E4 (p-value (0.056)> 0.05), E8 (p-value (0.26)> 0.05), E9 (p-value (0.12)> 0.05), E20 (p-value (0, 07)> 0.05), there is also a decrease trend on E2 (p-value (0.81)> 0.05) but this trend should still be analyzed further. A rising trend may be because the use of electronic prescriptions is not a factor that has had an effect on this incident.

"/> electronic prescribing, prescription, medication error, pharmacy, patient safety

"/> The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of electronic prescription use to improve patient safety in drug administration. In its implementation, the use of an electronic prescribing system in prescription writing has been proven to decrease the number of prescribing mistakes. Treatment errors such as the mistake of writing the name of the drug, determining the dosage, and using the right type of medication for the patient can be prevented. The cross-sectional survey design was used, data and information from a hospital that has been using electronic prescriptions collected. Evaluation is also done to the doctor to know the doctor's acceptance of the implementation of the electronic prescription system, by providing an evaluation form of the use of electronic prescriptions. The results of this study found 8 incidents that decrease significantly (40%), 5 incidents increase significantly (25%), 1 stagnant (5%), 1 incident increase insignificant (5%), and 5 no measurable incidents (25 %). Declining incident trends occur in E1 (p-value (0.33)> 0.05), E3 (p-value (0.3)> 0.05), E4 (p-value (0.056)> 0.05), E8 (p-value (0.26)> 0.05), E9 (p-value (0.12)> 0.05), E20 (p-value (0, 07)> 0.05), there is also a decrease trend on E2 (p-value (0.81)> 0.05) but this trend should still be analyzed further. A rising trend may be because the use of electronic prescriptions is not a factor that has had an effect on this incident.

"/> The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of electronic prescription use to improve patient safety in drug administration. In its implementation, the use of an electronic prescribing system in prescription writing has been proven to decrease the number of prescribing mistakes. Treatment errors such as the mistake of writing the name of the drug, determining the dosage, and using the right type of medication for the patient can be prevented. The cross-sectional survey design was used, data and information from a hospital that has been using electronic prescriptions collected. Evaluation is also done to the doctor to know the doctor's acceptance of the implementation of the electronic prescription system, by providing an evaluation form of the use of electronic prescriptions. The results of this study found 8 incidents that decrease significantly (40%), 5 incidents increase significantly (25%), 1 stagnant (5%), 1 incident increase insignificant (5%), and 5 no measurable incidents (25 %). Declining incident trends occur in E1 (p-value (0.33)> 0.05), E3 (p-value (0.3)> 0.05), E4 (p-value (0.056)> 0.05), E8 (p-value (0.26)> 0.05), E9 (p-value (0.12)> 0.05), E20 (p-value (0, 07)> 0.05), there is also a decrease trend on E2 (p-value (0.81)> 0.05) but this trend should still be analyzed further. A rising trend may be because the use of electronic prescriptions is not a factor that has had an effect on this incident.

"/> The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of electronic prescription use to improve patient safety in drug administration. In its implementation, the use of an electronic prescribing system in prescription writing has been proven to decrease the number of prescribing mistakes. Treatment errors such as the mistake of writing the name of the drug, determining the dosage, and using the right type of medication for the patient can be prevented. The cross-sectional survey design was used, data and information from a hospital that has been using electronic prescriptions collected. Evaluation is also done to the doctor to know the doctor's acceptance of the implementation of the electronic prescription system, by providing an evaluation form of the use of electronic prescriptions. The results of this study found 8 incidents that decrease significantly (40%), 5 incidents increase significantly (25%), 1 stagnant (5%), 1 incident increase insignificant (5%), and 5 no measurable incidents (25 %). Declining incident trends occur in E1 (p-value (0.33)> 0.05), E3 (p-value (0.3)> 0.05), E4 (p-value (0.056)> 0.05), E8 (p-value (0.26)> 0.05), E9 (p-value (0.12)> 0.05), E20 (p-value (0, 07)> 0.05), there is also a decrease trend on E2 (p-value (0.81)> 0.05) but this trend should still be analyzed further. A rising trend may be because the use of electronic prescriptions is not a factor that has had an effect on this incident.


E-Prescribing Implementations a Journey from Manual to Digital to Increase Patient Safety

International Journal of Industrial Engineering
© 2019 by SSRG - IJIE Journal
Volume 6 Issue 1
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Dilla Anggraeni, HumirasHardi Purba
How to Cite?

Dilla Anggraeni, HumirasHardi Purba, "E-Prescribing Implementations a Journey from Manual to Digital to Increase Patient Safety," SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 6,  no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2019. Crossref,


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation of electronic prescription use to improve patient safety in drug administration. In its implementation, the use of an electronic prescribing system in prescription writing has been proven to decrease the number of prescribing mistakes. Treatment errors such as the mistake of writing the name of the drug, determining the dosage, and using the right type of medication for the patient can be prevented. The cross-sectional survey design was used, data and information from a hospital that has been using electronic prescriptions collected. Evaluation is also done to the doctor to know the doctor's acceptance of the implementation of the electronic prescription system, by providing an evaluation form of the use of electronic prescriptions. The results of this study found 8 incidents that decrease significantly (40%), 5 incidents increase significantly (25%), 1 stagnant (5%), 1 incident increase insignificant (5%), and 5 no measurable incidents (25 %). Declining incident trends occur in E1 (p-value (0.33)> 0.05), E3 (p-value (0.3)> 0.05), E4 (p-value (0.056)> 0.05), E8 (p-value (0.26)> 0.05), E9 (p-value (0.12)> 0.05), E20 (p-value (0, 07)> 0.05), there is also a decrease trend on E2 (p-value (0.81)> 0.05) but this trend should still be analyzed further. A rising trend may be because the use of electronic prescriptions is not a factor that has had an effect on this incident.


electronic prescribing, prescription, medication error, pharmacy, patient safety


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